Thursday, December 4, 2014

The world would be a better place if

PTSA, The World Would Be A Better Place If.. Competition

My masterpiece messages to say how we need to clean up all the trash problem because if there are trash on the floor the plants can't grow so you should plant flowers or trees so that we can get the oxygen and so our grandchildren won;t have a hard time breathing.

I created it by using photoshop and gathering pictures to show how we need to clean up the trash problem.
Tutorial that inspired me to apply... can be found here
"The Trash Problem", Designed by Mark N.  ©2014


  1. Great job on the flowers you made! they look really nice. It came out exactly like the tutorial :) something I notice is you over lap your photos and it looks a bit messy. So, personal, next time you should maybe place them where it fits better and cut out some of the photo so that you can place it better. but, overall, great idea and good job!

  2. Mark, I really like your vivid design and colorful flowers they make the artwork come alive, I noticed that you mention a method of saving the world: plant more trees I agree with this solution and think it will be very helpful. I wonder if you made all the flowers and trees stand out more than the words for a specific reason? Good job :)

  3. Great Job on the flowers you did a really good job following the tutorial. I think you did a really good job at getting your message across. I really like your collage and how to organized all the pictures and text. But overall you did a really good job :)

  4. Those flowers are so cute wow, I approve. The vivid color make the piece interesting. The right hand corner seems a little smashed together. It is not evenly distributed. I agree with your idea though!

  5. Hey Mark, I love the work you have done. The colors you have put on your project. I think that the trash problem is very clear. Look how the world was before we started littering the grounds. You have done a good job.
    Regards, Ramón

  6. NOICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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